Time for the usual uneventful mid-week update..

How far along? 36+

Total weight gain/loss: lost again… down 4lbs since the beginning of June… eeep!

Maternity clothes? muumuus and hospital gowns…

Blood Sugar? good… very good… have been getting increasingly lazy about checking it.. speaking of which… I need to stab myself with some insulin…

Labor signs: contractions 8 minutes apart; 2+ cm dilated; fully effaced… waiting for contractions to speed up or my water to break.. baby’s head is DOWN DOWN DOWN…. oh and did I mention that the sutures are out?? 😀

Sleep: probably gonna be a while before I gets me any good sleep again…

Best moment this week: sucking gas while they removed my stitches… I barely even noticed what they were doing- I just spaced right out into my own little surreal world… it was AWESOME!!!

Worst Moment this week: only being 2cm dilated after stitch removal… I was soooo certain this baby was gonna pretty much just LAUNCH outta there… I’m glad I get to do SOME labouring at home though… the hospital here SUCKS!!!

Movement: some… when baby gets going between contractions, it’s unreal!!! Kicks and punches and just general temper-tantrumish thrashings… totally cool!!

Food cravings/aversions: want coffee…

Belly Button in or out? it was pretty much all out today..

What I miss: PMG… I took her to her bio-fathers tonight… I’m hoping baby comes out ASAP so that she can see him/her before she leaves with bio-father and his parents on their camping trip…

What I am looking forward to: DELIVERY!!!! I want to see/hold/touch/feed/dress/bathe/etcetcetc my baby…

Weekly Wisdom: those stitches need to come OUT!!! hooray!!!

Milestones: stitches out… delivery imminent… woohoo!!!

Symptoms: contractions… spotting… more contractions… woohoo!!!

can y’all tell I’m happy??